Embodied Living, Care of Soul, Sacred Sexuality


This website is offered to the great shamanic work of our own inner awakening.
Namaste to the inner journey that is taken by those who are committed to showing up in the fullness of their being, to saying 'yes' to their aliveness, emotional maturity, deph and integrity. "Yes" to orgastic sensualilty and sacred sexuality, to experiencing reverence and sacred union within intimate-loving relationships, to serving others and saying Yes" to being ready to deepen their embodiment of love and the sacred. 

When we can live as love we are practicing ways of being that are medicine for the earth and all beings.

May you also become aware that every choice you make affects the oneness, it affects who you show up as in the world and it affects the earth we leave for this, and the next seven generations.
Oseeyo....Our hearts have met and touched!

                                                                        UPCOMING EVENTS 

InSpirit Magazie Article
Rites of Passage
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Upcoming Retreats 
Worlshops & Retreats
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Tantra Sessions, Yoni Mapping & Somatic Bodywork
Session Information